In-class Writings:

In-class Writing #1:

Do you read? What? 
Yes, I enjoy reading almost anything. I like a variety of genres and authors. I enjoy anything from short stories by Flannery O’connor to Animal Farm by George Orwell to the tragic love story, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and even a few fantasy’s from time to time. 

Do you like to write? What?
I am not a huge fan of writing. I don’t mind doing reports and essays but creatively I do not enjoy writing my own stories. 

Best reading or writing memory?
My favorite reading memory is from the novel Wuthering Heights.  I was so impressed with Emily Bronte’s ability to create such a realistic portrayal of human emotions. I was impressed by the authenticity of her characters and most especially the inclusion of the nature/nurture argument. It is, as you can probably tell, my favorite novel. 

Worst reading or writing memory?
Every timed writing is my worst writing memory.

One goal for this class:
I would like to progress as a writer both creatively and grammatically. I want to be knowledgeable in all aspects of writing to help prepare me for the future. 

In-class writing #2: 

Iowa 80 essay: It is classified as field research because he got out into the environment that he was researcher and developed his own opinions about the trucking industry. He observed the entire environment attempting to create observations about the truck stop and the truckers themselves. He interviewed specific people at the truck stop including truckers and those that worked at the truck stop. Through his interviews and observations, the author gathered new information and observations about the specific truck stop as well as the trucking industry itself.